Tarot Spreads - Mountains And Molehills

Description: This is a twelve card Tarot spread that looks at the major and minor challenges - the mountains and molehills - that face a querent. The reading considers the current or forthcoming major and minor aspects of the spiritual, emotional, and mental challenges being faced as well as any other challenge.
- The main spiritual challenge.
- Any minor spiritual challenge #1.
- Any minor spiritual challenge #2.
- The main emotional challenge.
- Any minor emotional challenge #1.
- Any minor emotional challenge #2.
- The main mental challenge.
- Any minor mental challenge #1.
- Any minor mental challenge #2.
- Any other challenge #1
- Any other challenge #2.
- Any other challenge #3.
Notes: This spread can be used to look at the current challenges for a querent or those that are upcoming. Although it could be used for a longer timescale this spread is ideal for looking at the upcoming month.
Origin: Psychic Revelation ©
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