Tarot Meanings - Death
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Death does not necessarily, or even usually, indicate physical death. In fact it is considered irresponsible for readers to predict physical death, as we are creatures with free will, and such things are not written in stone.
This card simply indicates transformation and change. This is definitely a time of deep transformation, likely to be both internally and externallyly in your life.
Situations, things, and people that you have counted on or gotten used to may no longer be available to you in quite the same way as they once were. This transition can be very difficult for some people. The change though, is nearly always needed.
The more accepting you can be of change of any description during this time the better. Simply put the less you try to control what is underway the more comfortable this time will be for you.
Often what you need to let go of is some sort of self-limiting belief or attitude. Sometimes we just can't see how our attitudes are hurting us, and when that is true this time period can be a wake-up call.
The energy of this time is not just change or destruction; it is change or destruction followed by renewal. Even though one door may have closed for you another is opening. The change is coming whether you want it or not so pluck up your courage and step through the door. This change is needed.
If you hate your job, or are underemployed, but you've not wanted to leave because of the steady income, you could end up being forced out either through redundancy or being fired. It's not set in stone but losing your job is a very real possibility.
Ultimately, this would lead to your greater good, but do you really want to be fired or made redundant? Wouldn't you rather leave of your own free will and on your own terms? Now wopuld be a very good time to start working on "plan B."
Those of you who don't necessarily hate your job and are fully occupied may still end up losing your job anyway. Death is a card of change and that change is coming one way or another. "Plan B" should be on your to-do list too. You may even want to consider making a complete change. Perhaps even a complete change of field.
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If you are clinging to a relationship that you are deeply unhappy in because you don't want to let go of the familiar, or because you hate to be alone, you are doing neither yourself or your partner any favors. Have a frank and honest discussion about the problem(s) you have with the relationship, and if they can't or won't make a change or you can't or won't, then perhaps it's time to let it go.
Not all relationships are fixable but you should still try first. Change is not easy for most people and for some it is really difficult. If you have tried to fix what's wrong and not been successful then moving on is almost certainly your best choice. Remember, if you are this unhappy now, how unhappy do you think you'll be in five years? Or ten? Change is scary but staying at any cost should be scarier.
If you can be brave and take the chance of leaving the security of this relationship, you can find one that works much better. Happiness is out there waiting but you have to go and find it.
You may have to make some sacrifices to deal with coming financial challenges. That's not something anyone truly wants to do of course, but it will be necessary so don't ignore any looming problems.
Don't hesitate to reach out for help if you need it. You don't have to struggle or suffer alone, nor should it come to that, although there is a possibility that you'll be dealing with an involuntary loss of income as your job may be cut back, your stocks may lose money etc.
Don't hide your head in the sand if this comes about. Figure out exactly what you are dealing with, face the situation, then do what you must to get through it. Ultimately you will profit greatly from what you have learned.
It may not seem like it at the time but you will be fine in the long run.
Keeping your stress level manageable is a must in order to stay in good health now. Deal with any problems that come up physically, don't try to avoid them. Be sure to get enough rest, as best you can, and don't abuse your body with alcohol or in other ways.
If you need healing, ask for it on both the literal and the spiritual planes. Comfort and hugs from close friends and/or family will go a long way toward keeping you healthy and sane.
This would be a very good time to cultivate a positive attitude. As Mary Engelbreit once said... "If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it."
Even though this could be an upsetting time for you, always rememberthat this too shall pass. Don't fight change. Allow yourself to feel what you feel, but don't wallow in pain or sorrow because that won't change anything.
If you need help pulling yourself away from any pain or loss that you are suffering, reach out. There is always a caring soul who will help you, even if you are quite literally alone in the world; more people care about you than you may think.
See Notes & Thoughts on This Card by: Talisman