Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - (13) Death Reversed
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General: When Death appears in reverse, it often indicates that the changes that are likely to be coming in the querent’s life are of a less intense nature than the changes indicated by the upright card. Again, it bears repeating that the energy of this time is not just change or destruction; it is change or destruction followed by renewal. Almost without exception in life, when one door may closes, another is opening. Will you have the courage to step through?
Work: You may be dealing with a quiet undercurrent of dissatisfaction in your working life. When this card appears in reverse, it does not mean that you should just ignore these feelings, it means you should give serious consideration to exactly what you are feeling, and why, and what you can do about it. Do not attempt to put all of the blame on others. As with the upright meaning in this context, you may benefit most from a complete change of field. If you are interested in doing so, make the leap, and know that you can do it.
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Love: As with the upright meaning of this card, if you are clinging to a relationship that you are deeply unhappy in because you don’t want to let go of the familiar, or because you hate to be alone, you are doing neither yourself or your partner any favors. However, when the card is in reverse, the problems are likely to be LESS major than they would be if the card was showing upright. Regardless, if you are in a difficult relationship now, it may be helpful to have a frank and honest discussion about the problem(s) you have with the relationship, and if they can’t or won’t make a change (or you can’t or won’t,) then perhaps it’s time to let it go. If you can be brave and take the chance of leaving the security of this relationship, you can find one that works much better. But first, you have to face the problem, and try to fix it. Not all relationships are fixable. Don’t beat your head against a wall for very long. You'll know when it’s “long enough.” If you are single and looking for love now, there may need to be a transformation in how you see yourself/an increase in your self esteem in order for love to come to you. Give it some thought.
Finances: There may be some changes looming in your financial situation when this card appears. Don’t be fearful, just be very prudent about how, when, and where you make use of your resources. If there is a downturn in your finances, know that it is unlikely to last forever. Do your part, and all will be well. Don’t expect windfalls out of thin air.
Health: When this card is in reverse in a reading looking at health issues, it’s important to keep your stress level manageable in order to stay in good health now. If you are experiencing some health issues which you generally try to treat yourself, the time may be coming soon when you'll need to see a medical practitioner. Do not hesitate. The problems are unlikely to be major and you may find yourself wondering something like “why didn't I do this a long time ago?”
Spirituality: Any time this card appears in any configuration or context, it is particularly important to cultivate a positive attitude. Even if you are in the midst of a deep depression, know that this too shall pass. It will pass more quickly and less painfully if you allow yourself to reach out for help. Don’t fight change. Allow yourself to feel what you feel, but don’t wallow in pain or sorrow; if you need help pulling yourself away from any pain or loss that you are suffering, reach out. We were not sent to this world to suffer endlessly. Even when it seems we have nothing but our bodies, there are always steps we can take. Take your steps, and help others to take theirs. You have more to offer to the world than you realize.