Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - (9) The Hermit
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General: Just like with the Strength card, you may even more so be in the frame of mind that you need some time alone - don't be afraid to take it. Even if it's just a five minute walk around the house so that you can clear your head. This is also very much a card about "trying very hard to do the right thing." Just make sure that "doing the right thing" includes doing what is right for you personally, and not just worrying about the wants and needs of others.
Work: You are nearing the point where work success and recognition are well within your grasp. Do your best to be organized and productive. This will pay off for you in ways that aren't clear yet. Do the "right thing" even if nobody is watching. You are always watching what you are doing.
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Love: It's possible that a romance from your past will be re-kindled. Is that really what you want? It seems that romantic relationships are not currently a priority for you right now. If your head says that you want nothing more than a romantic relationship; look at your behavior. Does it align with that analysis? In a committed relationship, you might have been moving in different directions for a while now. Make sure to make the time and effort to stay connected in order to keep the spark alive.
Finances: This is a time to be conservative when it comes to financial transactions and decisions, not that money seems to be your highest priority when the Hermit appears anyway. If you're investing, put your money in conservative stocks/bonds/money market with really good track records. This is not a time to gamble.
Health: Ritual of any sort will be helpful to you health-wise. (this could even be something like reading a book for an hour every Saturday afternoon). Any health problems could be drawing your attention to a problem that is not in your body so much as in your life; for example, a bad back could indicate that you are "carrying too much" metaphorically speaking. Take care of yourself.
Spirituality: It's very likely that at this time a person will come into your life who is like a mentor or teacher even if they don't "teach" you directly. You will still learn from them on several levels. Honor the need that you may be having to withdraw to a degree from ordinary life - It won't last forever. You will soon be feeling much more social, so don't push yourself now to be around a lot of people unless it is absolutely necessary. You will likely emerge from this month feeling refreshed and renewed, particularly on a spiritual level.