Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - (10) The Wheel Of Fortune
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General: This card always reminds us that "this too shall pass." Whether that's good times or bad times, it passes. If suddenly you find yourself "sitting on top of the world," keep your perspective, as that too, like everything else, changes. Live in the now, count your blessings, and just realize that much of life is outside of your control, but that even that is okay. Roll with any changes, and think positively.
Work: It's very possible that you will decide to leave your job if you are currently working, even if it's a good job, because your heart is no longer in it. You are being called to follow your dream, no matter what it is. If you have a desire to do something different, but don't know anybody who does what you want to do - be bold, and call up someone who does what you dream of doing, and ask them if you can have lunch with them or shadow them for four hours. You'd be surprised how often such a request is met in the affirmative.
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Love: It's possible that a relationship needs to be re-negotiated or is possibly no longer going to suit your needs. This does not mean that, if you are in a committed relationship, that it is doomed, but only that you will need to take action to make sure that it makes it. Talk about how you are feeling, that's your best hope. If you're looking for a relationship, first get very, very clear on exactly "who" you are looking for, then get out and mingle - whether that's online or by allowing friends to introduce you to someone that might "fit the bill."
Finances: In the financial sense the Wheel of Fortune is generally a good omen for anyone who has been having a rough time for a while financially. It means that your circumstances are very likely to change, markedly, for the better. However, if you have had a long prosperous period, consider the opposite possibility, that your income may drop a little. If that's the case, be sure you are prepared for the proverbial "rainy day." In the long run, of course, it all evens out.
Health: Resisting change can be bad for your health. Do whatever it takes to keep your stress level under control. When in doubt, go back to the basics; proper nutrition, proper rest and proper exercise go a long way toward helping. Meditation and Yoga may help keep you in top-shape also.
Spirituality: It's important to be aware that in nearly all instances, we do make a contribution in some way to what is happening in our lives. It is rare for things to "just happen" or for us to be a truly blameless "victim" in a situation. Accept whatever your fair share of responsibility is for the situation you are currently facing, be accountable to yourself if to no one else, and move on. Sometimes things do "just happen," if that is the case - rest assured you are by no means alone in that experience, and reach out for support. The support you need is truly always available.